Sunday, June 28, 2009

Part 4 Working in Africa

Working here in Africa – The Gambia. The working conditions have been a little challenging at times. I have been trying to figure out where it is the problems lies with not getting things done or lack or resources. I have found that the problem mainly lies within the people or the structure of the organization.

Many people are not taught in such a way to think outside the box or looking at the bigger picture. The always seem to just look at what it is that want and need now verse looking in the future. It makes it very hard when putting plans together because they don’t remember that there is a small need of space for maintenance and updates. I have found a ways of fixing it within meeting by having them create or fill in a general meet outline and then telling them to stick to the topic at hand. So much time is wasted on arguing or complaining on topics which are not the ones of the meeting.

The lack of resources is not as true as I thought. There are so many different program, grants, founding, sponsorships, etc that are given or found within this country. I have become a hug fan of writing or starting grant proposals. The problem is people do not know how to write these proposals, lack the correct/needed information to fill them out completely, or don’t care to try and communicate. Along with all this the many different people and organizations have/are given so much to the people of the Gambia its unbelievable. The problem with all the giving to this country is that it does not teach the people how to take care of themselves. Many people have this mentality to think they are owned something or should be giving things within them doing nothing for it. There is a large need for the Gambians to become more active in the projects and to maybe contribute to the project within they are going to rep the benefits of. This way it will make them feel more part of it and the maintenance of it.

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